SHARJAH – HEAD OFFICE - P.O. BOX 21125, TEL: 5323432, FAX: 5338704
FACTORY – P.O. BOX 21125, TEL: 5327439, FAX: 5338704
DUBAI – P.O. BOX 18911, TEL: 2675190, FAX: 2675290
Email: qaltyalu@emirates.net.ae
Quality Aluminium & Glass Co. LLC is one among the top notch Aluminium and Glass Companies in U.A.E., with over a decade of market presence. Through the inspirational and visionary leadership of H.E. Sheikh Mohammed Bin Ali Bin Rashid Al Nuaimi, the Chairman and Eng. Abdul Nasser Kadri, the Managing Director, the company has achieved a prominent place in the Aluminium and Glass Contracting Industry. With the dedicated and sincere work force consisting of efficient Engineers, experienced Supervisors, Foremen and highly skilled labors we are able to meet the challenges of market requirements giving utmost importance to the ‘quality’ systems leading to maximum customer satisfaction.
Quality Aluminium & Glass Co. LLC having their main factory in Sharjah with a built up floor area of 10,000 Sq. Ft. comprising of Inventory storage zone, Shop floor and Administrative office is equipped with the latest machinery used in the Aluminum and Glass industry. The company has its own glass division specialized in double-glazing works and an independent mechanized branch in Dubai.
Vision: To provide maximum customers satisfaction in accordance with the total ‘quality’ philosophy.
Modern Building Contracting Company, one of the leading construction companies in U A E, which is based in Ajman and Al Saqr Contracting Company, Dubai are our mother concerns.
‘Quality’ sincerely looks forward to be of service to you on a long-term business association.
The Plant: